DepecheTardis Online


santander & banking..


Recently, for the most part of last month I have been experimenting with the Santander Mini-123 current account! Needless to say, it is extremely awesome! I can go out with my friends, purchase music online without the hassle of hounding a parent for THEIR debit card - giving them cash and then working out how much I owe them.

I like the independence of being able to buy the hit single ‘I ran’ by A Flock of Seagulls on a non-DRM protected website at any time, or supporting my favourite bands via Bandcamp. Basically - I like being able to manage my own money, I can see I’ve got 50p at any time from anywhere, as long as I have my phone and I’m not using unsecured Public-WiFi.

Also means family members - (within reason, we all have that one who gives you coppers) - can transfer any pocket/spending money they wish to give me rather than having the carry about cash all the time. This ties in well with Google Pay - a beloved convienience of mine, not even needing the debit card with me although on the off-chance its over £30 you can use the chip & pin functionality.

Furthermore, Santander are very good with your security sending out SMS OTPs (One Time Passcodes) if you are making a transaction online to verify your identity. I might talk more about this topic in the future - though all in all - if you’re a responsible teen and wish to manage your own money, you can.
